
Hello, I’m happy you’re here.

Silentium is a journal and podcast exploring silence and stillness, hosted by me, Andō.

I’m a contemplative, poet, writer, contemplative, silence facilitator and spiritual mentor. Your guide to silence. If you’re not already familiar with me, you might like to listen to the conversation of silence and words I shared with the Encountering Silence podcast team earlier this year.

Explore my website to discover more.

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Join the community reading and listening to Silentium for a taste of the peace of an inner life. Perhaps life feels over full, busy, noisy, or simply too much. Maybe you’re in a state of overwhelm.

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A quiet journal on themes of interior silence — meditation, contemplation, silent prayer, stillness, and quiet moments. For those of all faiths and none. Sharings from a tiny hermitage in Cornwall, England by Andō.


Woman of few words, with a passion for silence. Contemplative coach, spiritual director, silent retreat facilitator, host of The Silence online silent sitting group, and author of Silentium journal.