Sitemap - 2023 - Silentium

Guard this flame

The Snows

Cultivating the empty field

The landscape of transformation

Peace and stillness in winter

Fragmented sleep

Peace starts here

Jesus the mystic

Peace at Christmas

A reminder to be empty

Letting go

The realm of silence

Pause and listen

Into the silent land

Silence, dancing

Be peace

Winter evening

Nothing moves


Meditations of the heart

The Snows, a winter retreat


The quietness of winter days

The gentle drip of rain on stone

The unfathomable mystery

The Essence of Tantra

The book of your being

When the trees say nothing

The wind

Notes from the hermitage

About spiritual direction

Love winter

Silence, singing

In Silentium

Look again


Falling into silence

Don't wait

That bowl of silence

Please teach me Zen

Space for prayer

Pure witnessing

Love notes from the silence


The answer to all questions

Life and work

The Silence, a change of times

Find your inner peace

Move out of the tangle of fear

Silence of the heart

Rūmī on being silent

What's not here

An invitation to retreat

An imagined silence

Rest deeply

The Ashes of Love

Finding your hidden treasure

The prayer of quiet

Unborn mind

Spend a moment being still

True stillness

The vastest landscape

Lost and found

The holy forest

The quest for enlightenment

Stay light-footed

The sound of the bell

Before a leaf falls

On being useless

Are you a frequency holder?

The pathless path

Just listen


Sanctuaries of silence

The Silence: a gathering in stillness

A time for rest and healing

Let all the world be silent

Small things in silence

Silence moves me to speak

Such a freedom

The poor man

So you can't pray?

A single leaf

The Scripture of the Golden Eternity

Holy feet

The Heart of Prayer

A meditative poem on love

Pure intelligence is silence

Meditation without end

The greatest kōan

The highest teaching

With full attention

Forest temple

Our natural state

A walk in a Japanese forest

Meditation on the divine name

The Ashtavakra Gita

Come sit with me in the silence

A Sufi meditation

The empty vessel

Zen masters

Silent mode

Meditation on the wind

A single leaf

Life and work

Quiet work in progress

Bashō's autumn

Silent lotus

How to meet silence

Silence of the heart

Sleep is sacrament

The palace and the cave

Eckhart's valuable silence

There is no next

Love notes from the silence

Paying attention

Stillness as the source of creation

The empty road

Sitting silent and still

A Sunday morning with Sufis

Be nowhere

Words from the silence

Silent illumination

Lucid silence

Ramana on prayer, God, and I

A time to retreat


The Silence

Start here

Five breaths

Don't sit still

The wind

The absence of things

Dharma rain

To study the way

Simply peace

Radical silence

The work of silence

True meditation

Tending the garden

Tilopa's advice

The language of flowers

This eternal moment

Non-seeking mind

Pure clarity


The art of freedom

Silence in the forest

The contemplative life

The difference between

The purest element

Go to the woods

Meditation, attention and silence

A natural silence

Meditation is the action of silence

Coffee and contemplation

The purest element

Every rub

A poem for those in despair for the world

A deeper silence

Replenish and overflow

Sitting silent and still

Silence is the best speech

The art of meditation

Quiet letters

The space between words

A little quiet work

Life goes on…

Does contemplation have a place in the world?

The art of listening

Rest in the timeless

Words close to my heart

Enter the cloud

Freedom to be still

Life unfolds as it will

Letting go of all becoming


Morning meditation


A small, murmuring stream

A rising tide of silence

A silent moment

The Heart of Prayer

Entering the ultimate silence

Where I rest

Why we sit

Alms round

Joy unfolding

The unknown

Like a bird path

In praise of shadows

The field

Silence is the Self

A quiet reminder

On resting and healing

Those other things


Silence of the heart

The hidden path

Silence is essential

The real work

Silence as prayer

Courageous rest

The rest between notes

Effortless meditation

How to live a life of silence in a busy world?

Master Sheng Yen


How to move in life

Silence of the heart


Music for stillness


The voyage of Bashō

A behind the scenes update


Note to self

Talking and remaining in silence

God is all in all

Becoming still

Silentium now has a quiet chat space

The value of silent sitting

Friday stillness

A flower blooms

Welcome and thank you

A flight into silence

What contemplation is not

The magic is in the silence

The dark night

Silence is not separate from sound

You are him, and he is you

Everything is spiritual

A life of hermitage

Listen to the birds

Sacred tonalities

Prayer requests

The grass flute Zen master

A flower

Creative silence

Come into the silence

The healing path

Join me on Notes

Why should one meditate?

The sound of the moon

On the matter of retreat

The silence behind the silence


Tea, the essence of life

The spaciousness of 12

Join me in the silence

孤独 Kodoku (Solitude)

Aelred of Rievaulx on silence


The silence of Ryuichi Sakamoto

Radical silence

An ambient meditation

The two paths of non-duality

A contemplative sit

A birthday wish

Peace is born of silence

The silence of sitting

A space to lull your mind

Meditations on silence

You are a vast reservoir

A peaceful and happy life

Inner minimalism

Temporary schedule change


Stay quiet like a flower

The nature of the way

Alms round — a call for support

The practice of presence

The world with all its wonders is nothing

Join me in the silence

Making silence

Tibet, the path to wisdom

Silence, walking

Go deeper

The great way

Silent sittings


Note to self

Does contemplation have a place in the world?

Be the stillness

The echo


The Silence: a gathering in stillness

Silence is not the absence of something


The eternal hush

Outside the tangle of fear-thinking

Da pacem domine

Rest in natural great peace

Silent sittings today

Sounds for the heartmind

A prayer story

The snows of desolation

Just this

A pine cone falls

The morning sky

Words from the wordless

The Silence

First be still, then move from that stillness

Small things in silence

Be silent

The cure for the pain

Singing bowl (ascension)

Keep going

Clarify your mind

The Silence

When I am silent


Silence is our true nature

It is rain that grows flowers

Attention and meditation

Love letters from the rain, snow, and moon

Into the silent land

I have arrived, I am home

Laurie Anderson: my meditation journey

Blossoming silence

Quiet reading

Silence unfolding


Entering the silence

Silence —

Alone at dawn

Seeking the sacred

How I practice poetry

Surrender to the silence

Turn inwardly

The silence

A message of love, peace, and oneness

Listen, who is hearing?

Coming to stillness

Stay close


The school of contemplative life

The silent mind can do miracles

The Silence: a gathering in stillness

The practice of contemplation

Sacred reading

Music from the silence

These great trees

New Year's Day